Apprenticeship Embedded Degree Program

The Apprenticeship Embedded Degree Program (AEDP) is a ‘Learn While You Earn’ initiative designed to address three major barriers: access to valid higher education, the development of relevant work-related skills, and financial independence. Over the course of 12, 24, or 36 months, participants engage in on-site apprenticeships with allied industries while pursuing their degree. This hands-on experience helps participants acquire real-world skills needed for the workforce, and the program also offers a monthly stipend, providing financial support throughout their education.

Skills Acquired:

Theoretical knowledge through formal education.

Real-world skills through industry-specific apprenticeships.

Critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical skills applicable to various industries.

Professional skills in communication, teamwork, and time management.

Financial independence through monthly stipends.

How the Program Works

Participants enroll in a degree program that lasts for 12 to 36 months, depending on the course. For each year of their degree, participants engage in an on-site apprenticeship in an allied industry. These apprenticeships provide practical, hands-on experience, enabling students to apply their academic learning in real-world settings. The monthly stipend offered during the apprenticeship ensures financial independence, making it easier for participants to focus on both their education and career development.

Impact of the Program

For the Participants:

  • Participants graduate with a well-rounded education that includes both theoretical knowledge and practical skills, making them highly attractive to employers.
  • Graduates with both a degree and significant work experience command higher salaries, boosting their earning potential.
  • Graduates earn a recognized degree and a documented apprenticeship experience, making this dual certification highly valuable in the job market.

For the Families:

  • The financial support provided through stipends reduces the financial burden on participants and their families.

For Society:

  • Equips participants with the skills necessary for workforce readiness, contributing to a more educated and skilled society.
  • Promotes equal access to education, particularly for those facing financial barriers.

For the Economy:

  • Graduates with both academic credentials and practical work experience fill key skill gaps in industries, driving economic growth.
  • Creates a more competitive and adaptable workforce by combining education with hands-on experience.

Program Structure


12, 24, or 36 months, based on the degree program.

Batch Size

Minimum of 25 participants per batch.


A blend of formal education and on-the-job apprenticeship training. Participants engage in academic studies alongside hands-on learning in their respective industries. This dual approach ensures a comprehensive learning experience.

Program Costs and Participation

  • Donation: ₹3,75,000 per batch, including education and apprenticeship costs, as well as monthly stipends.
  • The program is open to underprivileged students seeking higher education and work experience in industries like IT, manufacturing, construction, and more. Your support helps provide financial independence and career advancement opportunities for deserving participants.